Our free online Support Group for adults recovering from self-harm starts September 2023. Our goal is to provide a safe space where people struggling with self-Injury can receive non-judgmental support and share survival tips with each other. Interested individuals must register and consent to screening prior to approval.
The group will be held one day a week. No cameras.
Retreats are weekend group getaways with a specific target audience working on their unique challenges. Participants are tucked away on location and given an opportunity to escape the stressors of life in order to reconnect and renew their spirit. Meals, accommodation and wellness experiences are included in the package cost. Intimate Connections - Retreats are rewarding experiences designed to restore mind, body and spirit. It permits participants to harness motivation to jumpstart their goals or to say goodbye to those shackles that have been holding you back. Retreats allow reconnection to self in a meaningful, life changing way.
Keep visiting the page for more information on the next “Intimate Connections – Retreat”
Wellness is a lifestyle! Stay in touch for upcoming events.
Professional Counseling & Consultancy Services – PCCS
Please contact us with questions.
Monday - Saturday: Appt bookings only
Closed Sunday
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